What date is Run For The Firies on in 2024 ?

Run For The Firies is on the 27th of October 2024.

Where is the start / finish line ?

The start and finish line is on the oval at the Eltham North Adventure Playground off Wattle Tree Road in Eltham North, VIC, 3095.

What are the race start times ?

Half Marathon run starts at 07:00.

10.6K run starts at 08:30 (warm up starts 08:20).

6K run starts at 08:40 (warm up starts 08:30).

4K run starts at 08:42 (warm up starts 08:30).

4K walkers start at 08:43 (warm up starts 08:30).

What are the race entry fees ?

StandardEarly Bird
Half Marathon$70$60

When do early bird registrations end ?

Early bird registrations will end 4th of August 2024.

When will the registration desk be open on race day ?

The registration desk will be open from 06:00 on race day.

When do registrations finish ?

Participants can register at the registration desk at the start/finish line up to 10 minutes before the race start.

Where can I park ?

Car parking locations can be found in the Event Location tab on the Run For The Firies website.

How do I pick up my bib ?

Bibs can be picked up beforehand at the Research CFA station at 3 Research-Warrandyte Road, Research on the following dates:

Sunday 20th of October 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00

Saturday 26th of October 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00.

Alternatively, participants can pick up their bibs on the day from the registration desk. Please have your email with your bib number available to allow sufficient time before the event starts.

Do I get a medal ?

All entrants will receive a Run For The Firies medal.

What trophies are there ?

Trophies will be awarded for fastest male and female runner for each event. There will also be a throphy for the best team.

When will the presentations start ?

Presentations will start at 10:00 on the race day.

When can I do my virtual run ?

Virtual runs can be completed any time during the month of October. Please email details of your run to runforthefiries@gmail.com.

Do I get a medal if I do the virtual run ?

All virtual run participants will receive a Run For The Firies medal. These medals will be mailed out during the first week of November.